Create your account

Note: Password should contain: At least 6 characters, 1 uppercase & 1 lowercase letter, 1 number & 1 symbol ( @ _ # $ ! % )
Already have account? Sign In

Referred By Hospital - Create your account

Note: Password should contain: At least 6 characters, 1 uppercase & 1 lowercase letter, 1 number & 1 symbol ( @ _ # $ ! % )
Already have account? Sign In

Registration Steps

Registration is simple and hassle free. The step-by-step registration approach is as below:

  • Step-1: You are here at the moment
    • Fill your Full Name
    • Enter Your valid mobile number
    • Set your password
    • Click on Register button, system will send one OTP to entered mobile number

  • Step-2:
    • Enter received OTP and click on on validate mobile

  • Step-3:
    • On successful verification of OTP, Plan selection window will open
    • Select your plan
    • Enter the coupon code, if you have
    • Click on Pay Amount

  • Step-4:
    • Pay the online amount via different modes like Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI, Net Banking etc.
    • On success of payment, you will receive account confirmation message

For more details about various plans, click here to get details

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